Winemakers worldwide face staggering losses due to natural disasters, eroding revenues, grapes, and building stocks. Enter WineRisk: an innovative product spearheaded by Risklayer GmbH around a decade ago, building on its own expertise as well as including the knowledge of a diverse team from the University of Adelaide, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and esteemed research institutions across Europe and Australia, designed for the wine industry to assess, understand and manage the risks to their unique portfolio of assets.

Economic Exposure
Economic Exposure
As basic research for the model, economic exposure was needed. The collected data is presented including wine production per year from various sources such as FAO, WineInstitute,...
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Combined Risks
Combined Risks
Combining the impacts of all natural hazards that occur in a wine region, a general risk index has been created for each region. This is based on the areas with the highest risk as...
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Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate change affects the variability of storms and also, depending on which global climate scenarios are used, an increase in average temperature will often be seen. Using...
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Storms and Floods
Storms and Floods
The effects of floods on vines are being explored in the wake of losses such as Swan Valley in Western Australia in March, and significant losses in South Australia and NSW among...
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Frost is traditionally the number one hazard threatening vineyards. Although it can be controlled through fans, sprinkler system and/or heating using fire drums, it costs huge...
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Hailstorm are one of the largest yearly natural threats to European winemakers. The traditional wine countries like France and Italy have seen huge losses in the past 5 years due...
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Bushfire risk causing smoke taint issues to vines such as in South Australia have been examined; however, smaller scale studies are required before they can be included globally in...
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Earthquakes have the ability to knock out the infrastructure of entire wine regions for a number of years. From 2010 to 2017, several earthquakes struck the wine industries of...
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Global Risk Index and Metrics

WineRisk pioneers a comprehensive global risk index and risk metrics for 7500+ wine regions, uniting engineers, scientists, and wine enthusiasts. By dissecting historic and potential hazards, including frost, earthquakes, floods, hail, and climate shifts, we unveil the total risks to the wine industry.

Vulnerability Analysis

With cutting-edge models, we assess winery components' vulnerability, scrutinizing everything from storerooms to steel tanks. We fuse exposure estimates from global wine research with hazard models, rendering tailored risk evaluations for individual wineries or portfolios.

Effective Mitigation and Insurance Options

WineRisk doesn't stop at risk assessment. We examine mitigation strategies such as hail nets, frost fans, and reinforced infrastructure, quantifying benefits versus costs for swift decision-making and insurance options.

From Burgundy's hail-ravaged vintages to seismic-prone landscapes through Chile and California to the bushfire smoke of vineyards around Adelaide, WineRisk empowers wineries and companies to preempt losses. Safeguard your passion with our rapid yet robust risk assessment, and insurance solutions, ensuring that your vintage remains untarnished amidst the unpredictable forces of nature.

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